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The Prodigal Bear Returns — To Portugal?

Hello everyone, I hope this finds you all doing well. First and foremost, I’d like to apologize for my lengthy absence. Between my FC United save going bust, and some real life health issues in my family (not me, I’m fine), I lost a lot of my motivation and free time. To his eternal credit, Johnny is as patient as a saint, and is allowing me to return after such a long time (thanks friend!).  With free time AND motivation back, it’s time to begin anew!

Of course first I needed to figure out where to play. I couldn’t go back to England, it was just too painful and I wasn’t up for another potential heartbreak there. Wales was out of the question, as was Scotland. I entertained France and Germany to lengthy extent, even going so far as to make saves in each of those respective countries. Ultimately though, something was missing. Finally, I looked at Portugal and found everything I wanted: good league setup, terrible lower division teams, and a playing schedule that wouldn’t have me playing 64 games a season.

So where did I land? The one, the only:

Sociedade União 1º Dezembro!

While the founders were perhaps the least creative club founders in the 19th century world (they were founded in 1880, on December 1st), the club was everything I was looking for. It had an interesting name, no history, no money, no players of any note, and was projected to finish 15th out of 16 teams. Excellent! I have my work cut out for me though. Here’s the squad I inherited:

There are a few bright spots in that list, but a lot of players that will likely be shown the door as well. Samir will be the first to go. He’s a decent striker, but my wage bill is barely over $1000, and he’s taking up a nearly half of it at $425. The staff is also fairly rubbish (my physio has a physiology stat of 3…3!), and the stadium is, well, this:

So yeah, we’ve got a journey ahead of us. My main goal, of course, is to simply last longer than two seasons this time! Assuming I can manage that, I have the typical goals of wanting to work up into the top  tier and maybe make a name for ourselves in Europe. Here’s to hoping we can succeed!

37 комментариев


  1. Kevin

    12 марта, 2012 at 19:20

    Hi Stromson

    At least you found a picture of their stadium…that’s a good start :)

    • Stromson

      13 марта, 2012 at 12:22

      I was surprised! The power of Google comes through yet again!

  2. Callum

    12 марта, 2012 at 19:31

    Welcome back! I hope you do well and this story grabs you, I know what it’s like to lose motivation.

  3. Mark

    12 марта, 2012 at 20:40

    Looks like a awful stadium lol

    • Stromson

      13 марта, 2012 at 12:24

      It looked like one of the worst in the league, hopefully we’ll be able to afford a new one in a few years!

  4. Laxeyman

    12 марта, 2012 at 20:55

    Great to see you back Stromo! Looking forward to this story, it looks like you have a challenge on your hands ;) Good luck!

    • Stromson

      13 марта, 2012 at 12:24

      Thanks Laxey, it’s good to finally be back. :)

  5. Darren Smith

    12 марта, 2012 at 21:21

    Good to see you back Stromson and hopefully you can get stuck into this save after the FC United save issues…look forward to the next post in what looks like a very challenging game.

    • Stromson

      13 марта, 2012 at 12:26

      Thanks Darren, it’s really good to be back. With luck, we won’t be relegated straight away.

  6. Martin - F.M.J.S

    12 марта, 2012 at 21:40

    Nice to see you back and it looks like its going to be an interesting story.

    • Stromson

      13 марта, 2012 at 12:28

      Thanks Martin, glad to be back!

  7. Thomas Pimenta

    12 марта, 2012 at 23:24

    I’ve played at that stadium for my school matches in football!
    Funnily enough they have the best female team in the country and I think it beats the male team!

    • Stromson

      13 марта, 2012 at 12:34

      Hah, that’s awesome (on both you having played there, and the women’s team). Hopefully we’ll be competitive with the ladies at some point in the next few years. ;-)

  8. TheZiggy

    12 марта, 2012 at 23:38

    Good to see the bear return. You’ve picked out what looks to be a seriously tough challenge. A shame that you’ll have to let the best player go, but if he’s sucking up almost half the wage budget, the solution is pretty clear. Good luck.

    • Stromson

      13 марта, 2012 at 12:36

      Thanks Ziggy, he’s glad to be back. ;-) The board (nor the fans) are none-to-pleased with me releasing him, but hopefully they’ll get over it soon enough. :-X

  9. saltwater

    13 марта, 2012 at 00:42

    Can’t wait for this story, I really enjoyed reading your previous exploits and I trust this one to be just as entertaining. Welcome back!

    • Stromson

      13 марта, 2012 at 12:37

      Thanks saltwater, that means a lot. :)

  10. ri916

    13 марта, 2012 at 08:38

    Was wondering where you had gone ;) . have done something similar myself in portugal with Louletano. got back to back promotions to the premier league and won the league cup in my third season. promotion from the third tier is very difficult however, as you have to win the league and then go through a three-way round robin with the top 2 getting promoted! dont know how i managed it!

    Good luck and I hope you can stick with this save mate :)

    • ri916

      13 марта, 2012 at 08:43

      also, a little tip. I dont know what database you have but there is a player who is languishing in the lower depths of italian football called enzo scorza if he is in your game, sign him! his pace is unbelievable and he scored about 30goals for me first season. Heck, he was still effective in the premier league for me!

    • Stromson

      13 марта, 2012 at 12:53

      Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be earning a promotion straight out of the gate. This team was pretty terrible, and I just don’t have the finances to make a huge impact right off the bat. I’m looking for a steady season or two in this league before making our push upward. I’ll take a look to see if I have Scorza in my save.

  11. vaibhavc

    13 марта, 2012 at 12:22

    Nice to see you back Stromson!

    • Stromson

      13 марта, 2012 at 12:54

      Thanks, it’s good to be back!

  12. nielsneutron

    13 марта, 2012 at 16:36

    I look forward to your story.

    Actually I have also considered doing a Portugal story so we must like the same challenges!

    I would however have picked a team from the azores must likely Clube Operário Desportivo.

    Are you using an update to give the Portugese clubs real names?

  13. Bence Répási

    13 марта, 2012 at 17:04

    Seems to be a very interesting challenge. I wish you good luck!

    • Stromson

      14 марта, 2012 at 12:54

      Thanks Bence, I’m really looking forward to it. :)

  14. chris haigh

    13 марта, 2012 at 17:07

    Oh yes Stromson…this looks good. I wish you all the luck though I’m sure you won’t need it :)

    • Stromson

      14 марта, 2012 at 12:58

      I’ll probably need more luck than you’d think; this team is in pretty bad shape.

  15. David Faithfull

    13 марта, 2012 at 21:22

    Stromson glad to see the Bear has returned!!!!! The stadium could do with a lick of paint, and plenty of other things but its a challenge i am looking forward to reading within the near future. I’m hoping this time round the Bear can finally make a stand within the footballing world!!

    • Stromson

      14 марта, 2012 at 13:02

      I’m extremely determined for the Bear to finally make his stand. No more wishy washy nonsense; it’s time to get down to business! Completely agree on the paint front.

  16. CsAtlantis

    14 марта, 2012 at 06:37

    A 4 1/2 star DC/DM and a 4 star DC, at least you might be okay at the back, that’s quite a modest stadium but at least there is proper seating, is there only 1 stand?

    Good luck Kevin

    • Stromson

      14 марта, 2012 at 13:04

      I think you meant Jon, Kevin is over there. ;-)

      Defense, if anything, will be our saving grace this year.

  17. Johnny Karp

    14 марта, 2012 at 08:10

    Welcome back buddy! You found an interesting challenge there and I wish you the best of luck with the story.

    • Stromson

      14 марта, 2012 at 13:07

      Thanks Johnny, it’s good to be back (and thanks for having me)!

  18. Ana Garcia

    16 марта, 2012 at 16:03

    I can totally understand your decision to take a break with family health problems, having been there myself I just hope and pray everything has improved.

    Am always here if you ever need to talk about, but I’m really glad you are back writing as I always enjoy your challenges and stories.

    It seems you have found one you are enjoying, I did like Portugal when I managed there so the best of luck. :)

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