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Write on FMS

We love Football Manager, and you may have guessed by the name of the website, we particularly love hearing your FM Stories too.

For FM22, we are looking for guest authors, and potentially new FT members of the team. Since 2008 our desire on FMS was to focus on delivering quality content for the FM community and we’d be more than happy to welcome people that have the same desire in our team.

Have you started an interesting new save. Are you doing something different, or just want somewhere to post your journey? Let us know.

If you want to write on FMS you will have to send a quick application email to [email protected] and make sure you include the following:

  • a few words about you and your passion for Football Manager.
  • links to previous work if available.
  • a few ideas of topics you would like to cover, or your save idea.

We accept various Football Manager topics, from tactics, graphics and guides to all sorts of insights or player profiles. You may even like to share your Football Manager story in a weekly update.

Any guest post will include a link to your own website or Facebook page/profile or Twitter account to help promote your work. We’ll also promote your work on our own social accounts.

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