All posts tagged "football manager story"
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/ 13 лет agoWorld Cup 2022!
Welcome my friends! I forgot to mention in my last update that it was the summer of the 2022 World Cup...
archived posts
/ 13 лет agoCagliari Calcio — Season 4
Hello my friends! First of all I must profusely apologize for my absenteeism from this wonderful community over the past two...
archived posts
/ 13 лет agoA Journey in Portugal: Catching up (2013 & 2014)
Howdy folks, and welcome to another update of my Portugal story. I’d like to apologize for my absence over the past...
archived posts
/ 13 лет agoA Journey in Portugal: Organized Chaos (Winter 2012)
Howdy folks, and welcome back. I apologize for the longer-than-usual delay in posting an update, but I’ve become a bit preoccupied...
archived posts
/ 13 лет agoDropping «The Bear», A Portugal Story (Summer of 2012)
Firstly, I’d like to apologize for the subpar quality of my most recent update. I was tired and hadn’t been drinking...
archived posts
/ 13 лет agoCagliari Calcio — Season 3
Hello friends! I would like the start off by sincerely apologizing for not having posted in so long. It has been...
archived posts
/ 13 лет agoA Bear in Portugal: Ruh-roh (Spring 2012)
Howdy everyone, and welcome back to another update of the Bear’s journey in the Portuguese third tier. When last we left...
archived posts
/ 13 лет agoA Bear in Portugal, Fall of 2012
Hello everyone, and welcome back for the first proper installment of The Bear’s Portuguese adventure. I’ve been tossing around a few ideas for...
archived posts
/ 13 лет agoThe Prodigal Bear Returns — To Portugal?
Hello everyone, I hope this finds you all doing well. First and foremost, I’d like to apologize for my lengthy absence....
archived posts
/ 13 лет agoCagliari — Season 2
Hello friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and there weren’t too many neglected SO’s ;) So here...