Hello folks, today is a special day for me and this website. It all started three years ago on December 28th, the day when I set up this website with no real idea of what it was going to become. I knew that it could become popular, I hoped that many people would like it, but I never expected 1.5 million page views in one month like we had last November. I have to thank you all for that, readers and writers, you people have become my friends and I guess I can never reward you enough for your kindness. By the way, if you want to read some interesting stuff about me and the website I recommend an interview that Frozy has published last week, click here to read it.
Every celebration must come with some gifts though, that’s what I think. So I have a new competition lined up for you, it starts now and it will end on December 31st at midnight with the winner to be announced on January 1st. All you have to do is share your thoughts about this website in a comment, you can even criticise us, just feel free to share whatever you think. Then, after the contest will be closed, I will pick the most interesting/funny/creative/wacky comment and its author will get a prize either from our games store or from our fan shop. The most obvious prize is a copy of FM 2012 but if you already own the game you can pick any game from our games store priced below 30 pounds or any product from our fan shop within the same price range.
Thanks again to all of you for supporting this website and I promise you that I’ll keep doing my best to provide help and great Football Manager content in 2012. Happy New Year my friends!
P.S.: Remember that the best way to help us keep this website going is to keep visiting us and share our content on Facebook, Twitter, Google + or wherever you can.