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Declaration of Intent

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I’m back (what, you thought I was taking a hiatus?) with a new story, and with a new found focus on story-telling specifically. This time around is going to be…well, you’ll see for yourself in the end. Regardless, there is a bit of conversation that needs to take place before this story begins in earnest. Let’s consider this post the «warm up», or the «prologue» if you will. Let’s begin where the last one ended (apologies in advance, this could get wordy)…

Following the absolutely gutting loss of the FC United save (trust me guys, I tried everything, including passing it off onto fresh installs on fresh computers), I was at a complete and total loss for what to do. I considered doing a meandering Journeyman, just going wherever the winds took me. I considered a Pentagon, and joining Ana on her quest for the five Champion’s League trophies. I considered going straight to the top, and taking over a club the likes of Barcelona, Real Madrid, Arsenal, or otherwise. I even considered a far future save, simming the game out to 2025 or 2030, and seeing what I could find.

None of those ideas really stuck with me though, and so I retreated back to the place I always go when I need inspiration: Norway. Since I first started playing Football Manager last year, I’ve almost always had a Norwegian save going on the side. I love the country, and I love their league. Viking is my absolute favorite football club, and if I ever conquer my fear of flying, I’d like to go see a game some day. So Norway is my own personal little FM Utopia. As I was playing (some tiny club called Algard), I pondered my (and more importantly, The Bear’s) future.

Again, I was at a loss. I couldn’t make my Norwegian save my main save, it’s too personal. Ana suggested Portugal, which did hold some appeal. Another (CsAtlantis? I can’t remember >.<) suggested Wigan, which also piqued my interest (I’m a sucker for the underdog). I even started saves with both of those, but just couldn’t get into it. And it was after I closed that Wigan save that it hit me.

I knew where I had to go, and I knew what I had to do. I have unfinished business you see, a mission that was never completed, a quest that needed my attention. There was only one place I would find my purpose:




Salisbury City F.C.


Now, before we wrap this up, it’s time to address this posts very title: declaration of intent. As I mentioned in the beginning, this will be a different style from before (not drastically now that I think about, as it has been alluded to before). For all further posts in this story, I will be writing 100% in character. That character is, of course, The Bear. I do want to make it clear: The Bear’s thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions do NOT necessarily reflect my own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. If the nature of the post dictates some Out of Character commentary, it’ll be clearly identifiable (either in italics, or a special «OOC» section of the post).

There will also be a focus on character development, and general story-telling. I know this will not appeal to all of you, and I know some of you won’t have the patience or desire to read through a wall of text. My job is, of course, to make that text as interesting as possible, but I also plan to include enough pictures that skim readers will be able to get the jist of the idea. I hope I won’t lose too many readers over this decision, but I’ll understand if I do.

I’d like to give you all my whole-hearted thanks for your support; not only thoughout this save-loss ordeal, but throughout my time writing here in general. I would do shout outs, but it would take a few pages to mention everyone that needs mentioning. Just know that every comment (even if I don’t always have time/forget to reply) is read and appreciated.

As a «gift» (if you can call it that), I wanted to give something back. I know a lot of folks have expressed an interest in FC United and its rather fascinating history, and I received more than a few «How are you playing them?» questions. Well what I have here is a save where FC United is officially (no database tweaks, hacks, or otherwise) playable. It starts in June 2012 (the soonest you can get them) with a large database and several leagues outside of England also loaded (Portugal, Spain, and France I think are all represented in some capacity):

Feel free to share it, link it, whatever — no credit necessary (I didn’t do anything anyone else with a little patience couldn’t have done). Thanks again everyone, I’m looking forward to a long, fruitful, and extremely well «backed up» story.

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