Best Training Schedule For Football Manager 2010

Some of you asked me to publish it, sorry for doing it with such a delay. You already know that I don’t know much about designing training schedules, so all credit for this one must go to the author, Tug.

The best thing about his training schedule is that it has both senior and youth schedules, specially designed for each role, from goalkeepers to strikers. I’ve been using the schedules for a while now and I have noticed that my youngsters tend to improve faster than before.

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Some of you asked me to publish it, sorry for doing it with such a delay. You already know that I don’t know much about designing training schedules, so all credit for this one must go to the author, Tug.

The best thing about his training schedule is that it has both senior and youth schedules, specially designed for each role, from goalkeepers to strikers. I’ve been using the schedules for a while now and I have noticed that my youngsters tend to improve faster than before.

If you want to try it yourself please go to Tug‘s website and download the schedules. After downloading you must place the two files into My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010\Schedules (if there is no «schedules» folder you can create it yourselves).

I will try to illustrate the next steps that you have to make in order to import the training schedules into your game. First, go to the training screen and select «manage schedules».

A window will pop up and your two downloaded files should be in there. Select one of them from the list, then click «select».

You will be taken to another window which will show the schedules for each player role. Select all of them and then click «OK».

Repeat the steps to import the second file and everything should be fine. Good luck with your Football Manager 2010 careers!

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